the silent scream

Thursday, October 28, 2004

inimitable wodehouse

how is it that u can read a wodehouse again and again and never tire of it! its not the depth of his contents. i mean wooster's or emsworth's negligible mental assets would be enough to ensure a certain amount of shallowness in any perceivable thoughts. may be its got something to do with the numerous twists he manages to add to a seemingly simple, nay plain boring plot. and its definitely got to do with his ability to maneavour the english language. what is otherwise a structured and informative language, in his hand turns into something undulating through whatever it is that good stuff undulate through :-)

anybody who's read more than three of his works dont need to be told this, but scenes like gussie finknottle's speech simply leaves one wondering whether they can be bettered upon.

ps - all this was because i am reading one for the 6th time.


  • wow! that was an amazing write up on PGW.
    he sure is the greatest musician of the english language.

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:54 am  

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