the silent scream

Saturday, May 28, 2005

the freeze zone

i got a fridge. the story is one of human suffering and the triumph of the human spirit. the suffering was me having to listen through all of my mom's lectures on living like "human beings" which sort of gave me the idea that the first thing that the homo erectus did when evolving was go and get himself a refrigerator. but i was strong enough to resist the parental pressure factor till the chivas factor came into picture. i had got this bottle of the elixir but we were putting it off since hyd is a positive brick oven these days. so we sort of came to this compromise that may be if we had ice cubes we could give it a shot ;-) thus the rather big ice box :-) i also got myself some cool glasses (the drinking ones) to produce the right tinkling sound :-)

okay. it would be a deception if i let everyone believe that these were the only factors. there was also the dirt cheap factor ;-) but thats another story.

oh almost forgot the triumph of the human spirit. this is yet another story of man climbing mountains and overcoming obstacles, even death to get to that all-important snifter :-)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

the hypnos killers

i always thought figo was my friend. but yesterday he did something that shook me to the core! we go a long way back and in all these years i never saw this coming. yesterday, he bulldozed me into seeing kingdom of heaven :-( any more words wasted on the movie would be paying it far more tribute than its worth. but i'll risk it to just say that it sucks :-) and i am not a harsh judge or anything. hell... i even liked national treasure!!!

and i have been thinking whether or not to document this last bit for sometime. after poking fun at v for being at the receiving end of daku's brutalities (aided and abetted by the pottan angel), i thought it would be a loss of face to admit that i was subjected to similar treatment. but i've decided that the world needs to be told of the inhuman activities of this duo who misuse graham bell's inventions to wake people up at the wee hours of the morning. and not only that then proceed to talk to u for like half an hour to ensure that morpheus completely loses interest in u and u r left wide awake with a long day in front of u! i'd also like to make this post an apology to v for not sympathizing with her when i first heard of her plight. one lives and learns. and also to figo (kinda think the movie was a payback for this) for falling into abdul's trap and agreeing to wake him up. all i can say in my defence is that i wasnt in full control of my faculties having been woken up from this dream of which all i can remember is a tunnel. and before signing off i would just like to remind glam that he's got to come back here and face the music. of course a couple of bottles of the finest can somewhat ease the pain (hint... hint...)

Friday, May 13, 2005

i'm lovin it

i think. therefore i am. the first time i heard somebody quote descartes on this one, i thought it was a pretty cool thing to say. but recently i have been forced to wonder if it really applies to me. i have to confess that i was having a pretty good time of it when i wasnt forced to ponder on such stuff. but then life doesnt always unfold as we plan it. and thus it was that i was forced to realize the fact that i think not. therefore I am. weird, especially since i always wanted to be an intellectual!

but why do i say all this now. Well primarily because i have a lot of time on my hands :-) also because i want to get the bloody thing out of my system and move on. i don’t want to ponder on big heavy things anymore. i know that the answer to the question of life, the universe and everything is 42 and i am happy in the knowledge. i can take or leave my religion, am just mildly interested in other religions - mainly for the cool quotes they offer. and i like my worldly pleasures.

What i am trying to say is that, it may not be a “meaningful” life, but as macdonald’s say - I’m lovin it.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

weird hypothetical question

this is a weird hypothetical question. suppose u r a diabetes patient and aren't supposed to take sugar. ur wife and all around u have been constantly telling how much it means to them that u don't have sugar, how its almost a sin to have some as u r not just hurting urself physically but surrendering to the vile sin of gluttony. one day u go out with ur friends and they take u to this pastry shop and u r looking around when u get a rather loud call from nature ;-) by the time u return ur friends are preparing to leave and u decide to skip the sweets 'coz u didn't like those particular cakes anyway. now the w.h.q is - isn't the mere act of going to the pastry shop a betrayal enough of ur values. would u have let down ur wife only if u have the cake? also since u have no apparent objection to having cake in general, is it ur values u r betraying?