the silent scream

Saturday, August 13, 2005


i have been wondering how people manage to fish a 20 kg trout with a normal fishing line! well not exactly a trout, but thats beside the point, which now that we r mentioning it is, how does anybody manage to catch a fish which can break the line? the key i believe is in letting out the line whenever the fish seems too determined to fight and reeling it in in the slack periods till finally the fish gives up the fight and decides that it is better off being ur dinner.

but then, if this were the case, any bright fish might know that if it keeps pulling and forcing one to let out more line then eventually the line would run out and the fish can break itself free. so i wonder if the fish really wants to break the line. and if thats the case, how is it that u make the fish not want to break the line! what the hell... who cares for a stupid fish!


  • is that a "weird philosophical question"? :P

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:22 am  

  • To hell with photography! I'm looking forward to a long, nostalgic post about your year(s) of oppression and what this new found freedom means to you. Happy, happy, happy independence day! :P

    by Blogger pradyot, at 4:47 am  

  • I meant "fishing" :D

    Got confused between your blog and another!

    by Blogger pradyot, at 4:48 am  

  • freedom is best savoured not trumpeted :-)

    by Blogger neurohavoc, at 4:56 am  

  • hey .. don't tell me this is a question like the cake shop one ;-)

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:37 am  

  • i thought it was u giving 'em cakes company in the first place.... Thiru's innocent for all i know...

    by Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:21 pm  

  • rofl... hmmm... yeah, hemingway perhaps did mention similar stuff in his works. what can i say, great minds...

    as for the book, i am really sorry. i believe i misplaced it in the shifting :-) would you care for a dick francis?

    by Blogger neurohavoc, at 4:42 am  

  • I take it that this post is about The Old man and the Sea. :) Philosophical question or not, it is simply one of the best fiction I have ever read. :D

    by Blogger Vanchi, at 6:51 am  

  • :-W

    by Blogger pradyot, at 4:45 am  

  • wtf mate?

    by Blogger alosh, at 10:54 pm  

  • @bookseeker - this isnt really abt the old man and the sea. but yeah the letting out the line is probably... but then there is also this short story by frederick forsyth "the emperor" which is abt the same thing.

    @infinite - i am sorry that i used the word stupid. i merely meant intellectually challenged :P

    @figo - dunno :-)

    by Blogger neurohavoc, at 6:33 am  

  • Its OK to eat fish as they don't have any feelings - Kurt Cobain.

    First you need to understand the psychology of fishes. As not much research have been done on this subject, let me pour my thoughts on this:

    1. Some fish sacrifice themselves(believe so) for the betterment of the fish community.
    2. Some fish are sick of being fish and hence they think the line is to pull them out of their misery but end up in a yummy tummy.
    3. Some fish are adventurous and always wanted to know whats on the land(other side) and.... *burp*
    4. Some religious fish think this is a hand from a GOD and hence should follow it wholeheartedly.
    5. Some fish have done their part as a fish and hence think its OK...
    6. It is a custom in the fish community to be eaten by the Gods(man?).
    7. Its a popoulation control methodology in the fish community.
    8. Some fish are sentenced(punishment) to ....

    And not to mention, those which do get caught by mistake eventually free themselves.

    I hope this answers the question in both literal and fill-ass-o-free-cal sense.

    Whats *fishing* eh?

    by Blogger Ankur Gupta, at 4:20 am  

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